Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for all you chapters needs!
Local Advisor FAQs
Who is the first person I should contact if I have any questions?
Depending on the question, the easiest person to contact will be your local officers. In the case that they do not know, reach out to State Director, Summer Hagy, or MN HOSA State Officer Advisor Lauren Trygstad.
If your local officers have a question specific to how chapters are run or want advice of a more personal nature please reach out to the MN HOSA State Officer Team or MN HOSA State Officer Advisor, Lauren Trygstad.
What steps are required to initiate a club?
Depending on your school administration, this process will look different for everyone. Oftentimes, there will be an official request to the school that you must fill out. Once that’s completed, follow the guidelines that your administration outlines. Refer to State Director, Summer Hagy, with any questions along the way.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
What is the Timeline for the new local chapter approval process?
This depends on your school administration. While some schools may take a year, some may take a few months. The stricter your administration is, the longer it will take.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
Who handles a chapter's financials?
All the financials on the advisors’ end will most likely be managed by the advisors themselves. In some cases, the chapter’s school administration will take care of it, but it depends on the administration.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
What are guidelines that new chapters can use, and where can we find them?
The alluring factor of local chapters is that they are run differently from each other. While they all may have a few things in common, it is up to them to establish an efficient system. Most commonly, new chapters will use the HOSA Handbook to establish a system of action.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
Why is it important to have a Constitution and by-laws? What should be included and how do we go about writing it?
Constitutions and By-Laws are the backbone of every HOSA chapter. Without them, it can be very hard to effectively run a chapter. Each chapter’s constitution and by-laws will look different, but each should focus on establishing a set of rules that will help the advisor and local officers lead their chapter. More details can be found in the HOSA Handbook: Section C
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
Who are local officers, and how many are required?
In each chapter, there are a set number of elected members who serve as their local chapter’s officers. Officers work to lead their chapter towards their established goals. Each chapter gets to determine how many officers they need. It’s advised that they at least have a President, Vice President, and a Secretary/Treasurer. More info about officers can be found in the HOSA Handbook: Section C
Position Ideas
- President: This position will delegate and lead their chapter through different events, activities, and conferences. The president will have the final say on decisions and will give orders to other local officers
- President-Elect: This position will be closely watching the president and how they do different things. They will be assisting the president, and taking notes for next year. This is a 2-year position, in which the president-elect will become the president of the next HOSA season.
- Vice President: This position will be assisting the president in any tasks needed. A vice president will be the backup in case the president is absent.
- Secretary: This position will be keeping track of all chapter records, chapter hours, and meeting minutes. They are in charge of ensuring chapter members are participating in events, and keeping track of attendance.
- Treasurer: This position will be in charge of all chapter finances. This includes registration dues, competition fees, and any other expenses. This leader will be in close relations with the school’s bookkeeper/ designated person who deals with activity finances.
- Social Media Coordinator/ Reporter: This position will manage chapter social media pages. This includes instagram, twitter, tiktok ETC. They will ensure all chapter members receive information and are in charge of chapter engagement.
Picking Local Officers
A vital step to a successful chapter is having a great officer team. Picking applicants can be a tiresome process, but here are some of our tips to manage:
- The Interview Process: Interviewing applicants is a great way to see how students truly are. Make sure to ask insightful questions that make the applicant think about their dedication to HOSA
- Choosing Applicants: After the interview process, look for students who showed a strong love for HOSA and a hard-working personality. Checking to make sure the applicant has enough time to run a chapter is vital.
- Gain input: A student may show a different side of themselves in the interview. A good way to cross this barrier is to ask peers and teachers in your school. Asking for feedback can ensure students are truly who they are, and that they will fight to make the chapter successful.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
How should local officers be elected?
The election of local officers is totally dependent on the chapter’s decision. While it is the norm to use a ballot-voting system, chapters can either modify it or create their own election system.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
What are the different events and competitions students can participate in?
There are numerous events that HOSA members can participate in. The most popular are the six different forms of competitive events: Leadership, Teamwork, Recognition, Emergency preparedness, Health professions, Health Science Events. For more information, read through the Competitive Event Guidelines.
Visit the Competitive Event Resources page on our website for video descriptions, examples, and walkthroughs.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
What are the best ways to prepare for competitive events?
The best way to prepare for competitive events is to look at the Guidelines listed on the HOSA website. These will have everything you need to know about the event. Additional practice can be found by a quick Google search. Quizlet has plenty of great resources for practice.
Visit the Competitive Event Resources page on our website for video descriptions, examples, and walkthroughs.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
Any other questions?
Please refer to the advisor handbook: New Advisor Handbook 2017 Revision .pdf
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information or Contact Us
Local Officer FAQs
How can we strengthen our chapter's connectivity?
Utilize team collaboration platforms such as GroupMe or Slack for constant and structured communication among chapter members.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
What is the frequency of local chapter meetings?
Meeting schedules depend on each chapter’s preference but usually occur every week or bimonthly.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
What activities should we plan for our meetings?
How to: Running a Chapter
Running a HOSA chapter is no small task, but if you follow our advice, you’ll be very prepared to do so. One of the great things about our organization is the diversity that each chartered association brings and that translates into how each local chapter is run as well. While chapters operate differently, they’re all common in that they hope to learn, lead, serve, and innovate.
Things to Do
When it comes to things to do, there are plenty of options. If you’re stuck or need more ideas, please refer to some of our suggestions found below:
- Volunteering
- Games
- Schoolwide HOSA events
- Guest speakers
For more ideas, please refer to our Local Leader Resources folder which you can find either through the QR code on the back cover of our Chapter Management Guide or through our Newsletter.
Meeting Starters
- Fun games: charades, medical pictionary, mock debate, etc.
- Food
- Quizzes – Buzzfeed quizzes, pop quizzes, Kahoot!, etc.
Content for Initial Meetings
- Informational Meeting:
- At the start of the year, you will most likely have informational meetings that will be like an “about HOSA” session
- Affiliation
- Before the first conference you attend as a chapter, all members will need to be affiliated with national and MN HOSA (fee is $25 per person)
- Conference/Event Meeting
- Throughout the year, you will also have more informational meetings specific to an upcoming conference/event and information related to it
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
What's the optimal number of officers for our chapter?
How to: Chapter Government
In order to make sure your chapter runs as smoothly as possible, it’s important to elect certain individuals to lead the chapter. Below, you’ll find some helpful suggestions for leadership positions and how to elect local officers.
- President: This position will delegate and lead their chapter through different events, activities, and conferences. The president will have the final say on decisions and will give orders to other local officers
- President-Elect: This position will be closely watching the president and how they do different things. They will be assisting the president, and taking notes for next year. This is a 2-year position, in which the president-elect will become the president of the next HOSA season.
- Vice President: This position will be assisting the president in any tasks needed. A vice president will be the backup in case the president is absent.
- Secretary: This position will be keeping track of all chapter records, chapter hours, and meeting minutes. They are in charge of ensuring chapter members are participating in events, and keeping track of attendance.
- Treasurer: This position will be in charge of all chapter finances. This includes registration dues, competition fees, and any other expenses. This leader will be in close relations with the school’s bookkeeper/ designated person who deals with activity finances.
- Social Media Coordinator/ Reporter: This position will manage chapter social media pages. This includes instagram, twitter, tiktok ETC. They will ensure all chapter members receive information and are in charge of chapter engagement.
Picking Local Officers
A vital step to a successful chapter is having a great officer team. Picking applicants can be a tiresome process, but here are some of our tips to manage:
- The Interview Process: Interviewing applicants is a great way to see how students truly are. Make sure to ask insightful questions that make the applicant think about their dedication to HOSA
- Choosing Applicants: After the interview process, look for students who showed a strong love for HOSA and a hard-working personality. Checking to make sure the applicant has enough time to run a chapter is vital.
- Gain input: A student may show a different side of themselves in the interview. A good way to cross this barrier is to ask peers and teachers in your school. Asking for feedback can ensure students are truly who they are, and that they will fight to make the chapter successful.
Typically, a chapter elects 5-7 officers, but this can be adjusted according to your chapter’s specific needs.
Some additional possible position titles include:
- President
- President elect
- VP
- VP of fundraising
- VP of Outreach
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Public Relations
- …etc other titles will be created as needed
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
What summer activities are available for our members?
Members can engage in health facility tours, SCRUBS camps, or participate in medical summer programs to continue their education during the break.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
How can we ensure timely payment of dues by members?
Set dues deadline two weeks ahead of the actual deadline and utilize social media, like Instagram, and verbal reminders to notify about the approaching deadline.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
What is the appropriate dress code for the Fall Leadership Conference?
Although business attire is encouraged, a more casual dress of khakis and collared shirts is acceptable. However, denim and t-shirts are not allowed!
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.
How can we raise funds for our chapter?
Fundraising Ideas for Chapters
- World’s Finest Chocolate
- Quantity: 1-5 cases per participant (depending on fundraiser length and participants)
- Price: Usually $1 per bar works well
- Duration: 2-4 weeks
- Contact: Online sign up on website
- Abby’s Candles
- Profit: 50%
- Purchase method: Online
- Potential Earnings: 25 participants selling 10 items each = around $2,750! 50 participants selling 10 items each = around $5,500!
- Products: Not just candles, variety packs, and jars as gifts too
- Contact:
- Chipotle Fundraiser
- Profit: 33% of event sales
- Application: Required, available on website
- Entertainment Fundraising: Coupon Books and Digital Savings Membership
- Product: 1 year of digital savings membership for $24.99
- Profit: 40%
- Contact:
- ABC Fundraising
- Concept: Scratch the circle to see how much you donate (50 cents – $3), Donator gets a free coupon book for donating
- Profit: Each card is worth $100 when everything is scratched off
- Contact:
- Ozark Lollipops
- Concept: You can decide how much to sell the lollipops for, they sell out fast at events and concessions
- Pricing: One bag has 60 lollipops and costs $46.25, 4 bags cost $134.25, 8 bags cost $251.25, etc with multiple buying options
- Contact:
- Bake Sale
- Concept: Plan it during a large practice or rehearsal and during breaks people will definitely want to buy stuff. Can ask the culinary class to make something, rest can be homemade or store bought (depending on your school’s policy)
- Games during Lunch
- Concept: Fair-style games during lunch times or at events with a lot of people, e.g., hammer and bell games. Have one swing as $3 and two swings as $5.
- Otis Spunkmeyer Fundraising
- Concept: Cookie Dough Fundraiser
- Contact: After sending out an application a local distributor will contact you with details as prices may vary based on location
- Contact:
- Bingo Board Fundraiser of Challenges
- Concept: Make a bingo card of challenges (like pieing a HOSA member in the face, etc.), each challenge is a certain amount of dollars. Advertise on social media with who donated to do that challenge. You can decide the prices and challenges.
- Hershey Fundraising
- Concept: Boxes of 30, 52, etc. Each box has a different or random assortment. Chapters can choose how much to upswell them for.
- Sellers: The Hershey store, Amazon, Walmart, etc.
- Contact:
- Movie Night Fundraiser
- Concept: Host an outdoor or indoor movie screening. Charge admission or accept donations. Sell snacks and refreshments. Promote the event through school and community channels.
- Raffle Fundraiser
- Concept: Collect donated items or experiences from local businesses. Sell raffle tickets at a fixed price or bundle deals. Draw winners during a school event or online. Promote raffle items and ticket sales through various channels.
- T-Shirt Fundraiser
- Concept: Design custom HOSA-themed T-shirts. Collaborate with a local or online T-shirt printing company. Sell T-shirts online or at school events. Promote the T-shirts through social media and word-of-mouth.
- Restaurant Partnership Nights
- Concept: Partner with local restaurants for a fundraising night. Negotiate a percentage of sales donated to HOSA. Encourage the HOSA community to dine at the restaurant. Promote the partnership through school and community channels.
- Sports Tournament Fundraiser
- Concept: Organize a sports tournament (e.g., basketball, soccer, volleyball). Charge a registration fee for teams or individuals. Offer prizes or trophies for the winners. Promote the event through school announcements and social media.
- Community Service Fundraiser
- Concept: Organize a community service event (e.g., park clean-up, food drive). Seek sponsorships from local businesses for each volunteer. Engage HOSA members and the community in service projects. Promote the event and recognize sponsors through various channels.
- Karaoke Night Fundraiser
- Concept: Host a karaoke night at school or a local venue. Charge an entry fee for participants and attendees. Offer prizes for the best performances. Promote the event through school announcements and social media.
- Art Auction Fundraiser
- Concept: Collect student-created artwork or donations from local artists. Host a live or silent art auction at school or online. Charge admission or accept donations for the event. Promote the event and featured artwork to the community.
- Coffee Shop Fundraiser
- Concept: Partner with a local coffee shop for a fundraising day. Negotiate a percentage of sales donated to HOSA. Encourage the HOSA community to visit the coffee shop. Promote the partnership through school and community channels.
- Battle of the Bands Fundraiser
- Concept: Organize a music competition featuring student bands or performers. Charge an entry fee for performers and attendees. Offer prizes for the winning band or performer. Promote the event through school announcements and social media.
- Car Wash Fundraiser
- Concept: Organize a car wash event at a high-traffic location. Coordinate teams for washing, drying, and promoting. Charge a fixed amount per car or accept donations. Collaborate with a local business for location and supplies.
- Talent Show Fundraiser
- Concept: Host a talent show featuring students and staff. Charge an entry fee for performers and attendees. Include a variety of acts (singing, dancing, comedy, etc.). Promote the event through school announcements and social media.
- Themed Dress-Down Day
- Concept: Collaborate with school administration for approval. Charge a fee for participating in the dress-down day. Select fun themes (pajama day, crazy hat day, etc.). Encourage creativity and school spirit.
- Trivia Night Fundraiser
- Concept: Organize a trivia night with themed categories. Charge a fee per team or individual entry. Offer prizes for the winning team or individual. Promote the event through school and community channels.
- Silent Auction Fundraiser
- Concept: Collect donated items or experiences from local businesses. Host a silent auction event at school or online. Promote the event and featured items to the community. Raise funds through bids and donations.
- Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
- Concept: Collaborate with a local restaurant or school cafeteria. Sell tickets for an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast. Engage HOSA members in serving and promoting the event. Market the event to the school and local community.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more ideas.
How can I assist chapter members in preparing for competitive events?
For procedure-based events, help members connect with health professionals in their community. Ensure they review their rubrics, as all events are based on them. If necessary, facilitate them in obtaining preparation books for their event.
Have them check out the Competitive Event Resources page!
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more ideas.
How do I explain HOSA's mission?
HOSA is dedicated to improving the quality and compassion in healthcare delivery. We provide opportunities for knowledge enhancement, skill development, and leadership training of all health science education students, thus helping meet the health community’s needs.
Check out our Chapter Management Guide for more information.