Posted July 19, 2023
Mid-winter is the first competitive conference of each HOSA year. It is a precursor to SLC and is meant to give competitors a first taste as to what their events entail. The event isn’t what you thought it would be like? Switch it! There is no commitment here and Midwinter is simply so everyone can try out their event beforehand. In addition, like any HOSA conference, midwinter has many sponsors and many networking opportunities. Look out for stands from Ebenezer, Be The Match, or any other of HOSA’s premier sponsors! There’s always more to look forward to too.
There are two Mid-Winter conferences, one in Rochester and one in Anoka!
Rochester Mid-Winter – January 10, 2025 – Heintz Center – RCTC
Metro Mid-Winter – January 8, 2025 – Anoka Technical College