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Lauren Trygstad


State Officer Advisor

Lauren Trygstad is an integral part of the HOSA-Future Health Professionals community. Her journey with HOSA spans seven enriching years, from her initial role as a State Officer to her current position as the Minnesota HOSA State Officer Advisor. In the 2022-2023 year, she also contributed at the international level, serving as the Postsecondary/Collegiate Board Representative on the International Executive Council. Lauren is not just a dedicated HOSA member; she’s an accomplished musical artist, a skillful graphic designer, and a passionate biologist. With three musical instruments under her belt she is an avid singer and songwriter, always striving to blend creativity into lol aspects of her life. Currently, she is a senior Biology Major at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota, working diligently towards her aspiration to become an Emergency Medicine Physician. For Lauren, HOSA is more than an organization—it’s her family and her home. It’s a platform that has helped shape her personal and professional growth, fueling her commitment to the healthcare field.

Feel free to reach Lauren at lauren.trygstad@hosa.org as she continues her inspiring journey with HOSA, shaping futures and mentoring the next generation of healthcare leaders.